打大佬版: 圖案VS圖案 恤衫 & 領呔配色教學 第三章 來到最後一章,要學學圖案恤衫與圖案領呔的配搭學問了 不同比例的重要性 首要事項: 要避免恤衫和領呔出現比例一樣的圖案: 例如你的恤衫有小波點圖案,就避免配搭有小波點圖案的領呔。 更多的例子有: 1. 間距較大的條紋襯衫時,領呔就可以是密集小圓點或是細格紋圖案,因為不同大小的圖案組合起來更富層次感 2.闊間條領呔可搭配幼間條恤衫,避免配襯一樣闊度的恤衫 3.大格仔領呔應搭配較小的格仔恤衫 所以記得以一粗一幼,一大一小為原則。如果恤衫和領呔彼此的圖案尺寸/類型太相似,可能會導致外觀有過於密集的感覺。 圖中為: 藍色幼間條恤衫 (圖案恤衫) + 粗間條領呔 (圖案領呔) 圖中為: 藍色幼間條恤衫 (圖案恤衫) + 波點間隔闊的領呔 (圖案領呔) 領呔圖案與恤衫圖案有關聯色系 領呔的細節與恤衫的主色互相配搭: 先確定恤衫圖案的主色,再找出與這種主色相襯的領呔圖案。 例如:以藍色為主的藍白條子恤衫,可配襯藍圖案加啡色底(或任何啡色系)的領呔。 圖中為: 藍白色間條恤衫 (圖案恤衫) + 藍色腰果花啡色領呔 (圖案領呔) Shirt and Tie Combination #3: Pattern-on-Pattern
Avoid having the same scale pattern appear in both your shirt and your tie. If your shirt has polka dots, don’t pair it with a same size dotted tie. In general, the patterns on your tie should be larger and bolder than the patterns on your shirt. For example, a thick, wide-striped tie would work with a thin-striped shirt, but not a thick, wide-striped shirt. A big check would mix well with a smaller check. Having patterns of the same size (and/or type) can result in an overly busy look. Match a detail in the tie with the dominant color of the shirt. Determine the dominant color in your shirt and look for a tie with some of that color within the pattern. For example, white and blue, finely checkered shirt (that looks predominantly blue) would pair nicely with a brown (or any other base color) tie with bold blue stripes. Fascino, Tailored For Greatness ...................................................................................... More photos: https://goo.gl/te5Yzv Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: https://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Fri (12:00-20:00 ) Sat ,Sunday & Holiday:(13:00-19:30) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987
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進階版: 淨色VS 圖案 淨色配圖案難度稍高,因不再限於顏色的選擇, 所以需小心點。雖然如此,有圖案的恤衫配襯淨色領呔是最簡單方法,秘訣是領呔的顏色需與恤衫圖案的顏色(一種或多種)互相配合。例如深藍色領呔與恤衫中的藍色格仔便是一個完美配色組合。 圖中為: 紅藍格仔恤衫 (圖案的恤衫) + 酒紅針織領呔 (淨色領呔)圖中為: 灰白條子恤衫 (圖案的恤衫) + 深綠針織領呔 (淨色領呔)相同原理也可應用在有圖案的領帶 + 淨色恤衫上: 恤衫的顏色需與領呔圖案中的顏色(一種或多種)互相匹配就無問題。只要你follow以上的黃金定律,無論你家中有幾多條領呔也不怕失手。 圖中為: 白色/粉藍恤衫 (淨色恤衫) + 波點/粗間領呔 (圖案領呔) Shirt and Tie Combination #2:
Solid-on-Pattern / Pattern-on-Solid Going with a solid-on-pattern requires a bit more thought than just matching solids, but rest assured that you’re still swimming in the kiddy pool. In fact, a solid tie on a patterned shirt is one of the easiest ways to work patterns into your outfit. Here’s the simple but key tip to pulling this off: match the color of your solid tie to the color family of one or more of the colors in your shirt pattern. The dark blue tie works perfectly with the blue checks in the shirt. The reverse, a patterned tie on a solid shirt operates on the same principle. Just match one or more of the colors within the pattern of the tie to the color family of the solid shirt. Stick on these key points, you’ll never go wrong no matter how many ties you have. Fascino, Tailored For Greatness ...................................................................................... More photos: https://goo.gl/te5Yzv Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: https://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Fri (12:00-20:00 ) Sat ,Sunday & Holiday:(13:00-19:30) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987 初階版: 淨色VS淨色 撞色組合: 這個配色方法其實好多人都沿用中。一般恤衫最常見不外乎是純白, 淺藍或粉紅色,其實襯大部分顏色的領呔都無問題,最重要是合心意 同類顏色組合: 這種配色視覺上會有一種優雅,時尚的感覺,但反而好多人會忽視這種配色方法。例如淺藍色的恤衫,可嘗試配襯深藍色領帶;而粉色系的恤衫可配搭紅色,酒紅或紫色領帶,最重要是兩者必須屬於同一色系。如果以白色恤衫,只要不是白色領帶都可以。 最後必須留意,恤衫和領呔顏色不可太接近,這是穿搭配色的大忌!
Shirt and Tie Combination #1: Solid-on-Solid Use contrasting color combinations. No surprise here – you’ve probably already been doing this. If you’re rocking a foundation shirt like a solid white or a solid light blue or pink, you can pretty much wear any color solid tie you like. It’s a great way to make your outfit pop with a bit more color. Use analogous color combinations This is a very classy, sleek look that many overlooks. Wearing a solid light blue shirt? Try it with a solid dark blue tie. Pink shirt? Go with a red, maroon or purple tie. If you are wearing white shirt, you can go for any colour just not in white. And one thing to avoid? Wearing a color combination where the color in your shirt and tie combo are too close. 乜都擺上身,咪就係OVER哂囉! 配飾的數量應是點到即止, 多並不代表好看,例如一次過將袋巾,呔夾和襟花都戴在身上就太多了。 如果你已使用袋巾和呔夾,就避免再配戴襟花。 男人戴袋巾好娘? No No No! 袋巾是最常見的男西裝配飾之一,一條合適的袋巾可以為您的西裝增添額外的光澤和優雅感。選擇袋巾時,避免選取與領呔一樣的顏色、圖案或質料,應選擇與西裝配合的顏色。 手錶 x 西裝 西裝配運動手錶會格格不入,建議配戴皮帶手錶或鉈錶,以配合整個溫文優雅造型。 Do NOT over-accessorize. A pocket square, a tie bar and a lapel pin are too much at once. If you’re already wearing a pocket square and a tie bar, you should really avoid adding that lapel pin. A pocket square is one of the few menswear accessories which can add an extra level of polish and elegant touch to your suit. Avoid matching it with your tie either in colour, pattern or fabric choice, instead find colours that complement the outfit. Never wear a sports watch with a suit. Get yourself a proper watch, a classy piece either a leather or a chain watch is fine. Fascino,
Tailored For Greatness ...................................................................................... More photos: https://goo.gl/te5Yzv Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: https://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Fri (12:00-20:00 ) Sat ,Sunday & Holiday:(13:00-19:30) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987 在剛剛過去的星期六(26/8), Fascino Bespoke 與YWCA攜手合作, 向一班即將投身社會的大專同學分享西裝的穿著技巧及禮儀, 同學們更即場配搭自己心目中理想的面試西裝,讓學生們渡過一個輕鬆愉快的早上。
Fascino Bespoke and YWCA worked together on a Saturday morning (26/8), sharing the passion and knowledge of the suits with the college students who are about to join the working society. The students were on site to identify their ideal interview suit. The students spent a pleasant morning with us, and we hope the suit would put them on track for successful careers. --------------------------------------------------- For more photos: http://bit.ly/2jL15xQ Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987 In Summer, wearing a suit in Hong Kong could be troublesome but necessary, and many customers ask what selected suit cloth works best to cool down and to maintain professionalism. Fresco fabrics from the UK are undoubtedly the inevitable choice. Like traditional suits, Fresco is woven with pure wool yarns. However, Fresco has a magical charm with excellent air permeability, durability and drape and wrinkle resistance. In Hong Kong's hot weather, breathability can be described as extremely important.
Unlike most of the other types of finishing, whether it be the looks and feels or the roughness and smoothness, Fresco has a relatively impressive ductility and its knitting can be very effective in maintaining the suit’s form. Even after hours of transportation in the air, the Fresco suit would still look straight and clean, showing off one of its many outstanding advantages. --------------------------------------------------- Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact/ Whatsapp: 96004987 一套好的西裝可突顯穿着者的優點,讓男性充滿自信,而西裝店大致分ready to wear、made to measure和bespoke三種,最初接觸西裝一般都會選ready to wear(即買即穿),好處當然是價錢相宜又方便,但除非你有model身形,否則很難完全合身,例如很多時兼顧腰位又發現袖太短的情況時有發生。
高一級的是made to measure,可算是度身訂做,但大多是度身一次,然後按選的布料和款式,按度身尺寸修改,裁縫與客人大概只有度身和完成共兩次見面,雖是度身訂做,但最終效果仍有機會與客人想像中有距離,跟真正的bespoke仍有一段距離。 Bespoke則是最頂級、最講究、花最多時間製作的度身訂做。除了度身更重要的是客人與裁縫的溝通,完全了解客人所需,細微如步行姿勢、坐姿、生活習慣等,都是製作bespoke西裝的重要資料,因為了解越深,裁縫師做的西裝便越能令你滿意。裁縫師會先製作初步的「原型」讓客人試穿,再作精細修改,同時可讓客人對初步體驗給意見,務求完成品完全是客人所需。 而 FASCINO BESPOKE崇尚 Bespoke這個概念,耐心地了解客人的需要和品味,無論是追求優雅格調或摩登氣息的男仕,我們都會以專業眼光及時尚觸覺,為客人提供最優質的服務,務求彰顯一眾紳士的獨特魅力和品位 ------------------------------------------------------- For more photos: http://bit.ly/2jL15xQ Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987 【西裝小百科】
任何衣物都需要保養,當然西裝也不例外,不論是商務西裝還是休閒西裝,保養得正確才能讓你的形象更加得體,作為一位男士,怎能不知西裝如何保養呢?接下來就帶大家一起去學習一下吧。 其一,一件西裝不建議連續穿兩天以上,因為高質量的西裝大多是用天然纖維如羊毛、蠶絲、海馬毛、羊絨等為原料,這類西裝穿過後,會因局部受張力而變形,但讓它適當休息,就能複原。 其二,塵污是西裝最大的敵人,經常洗刷西裝才不會失去清新感,我們建議可以用刷子輕輕刷去塵土。根據西裝不同的面料,西裝上可能沾上的東西都不一樣,如果沾上其他纖維或較不容易除去的塵埃,可以用膠帶紙加以吸附,效果很好。 其三,當你的西裝被雨淋濕,記得要用乾淨的毛巾將水吸乾,然後用清潔的白布覆蓋,加以熨燙整理,這樣才能保持西裝原型,給人以定制西裝的精緻感。 最後一點是,當你不穿西裝的時候,建議用適合肩闊斜度的衣架吊掛,這樣可以避免西裝上出現印痕。 ------------------------------------------------------- For more photos: http://bit.ly/2jL15xQ Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact / Whatsapp: 96004987 Thomas Mason and Albini is available in store now --------------------------------------------------- Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 1202, Grandmark, 10 Granville Road, Tsim Sha Tsui Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact: Benjamin 98051154/ Yen 98349835 新一批西裝袋採用更輕身既防水布料製造,而且深藍色配上啡色邊位撞色效果鮮明,今次亦新增左手挽包帶更加user friendly,就算去旅行或出trip都攜帶方便。 每位客人的意見對Fascino Bespoke 來說都很珍貴,我們期望用心服務,不斷在細節中改良。承諾爲各Dandy做得更多! ------------------------------------------------------- Client's feedback: http://bit.ly/2g74X9t Website: Http://www.fascinobespoke.com Address: Unit 908, Solo Building, 41-43 Carnarvon Road, TST Opening hours: Mon-Sun (14:00-20:00 ) Contact: Benjamin 98051154/ Yen 98349835 |